Tendoachilles Shortening

What is Achilles shortening?

This is a shortening of the tendoachilles at the back of your heel and Calf. This causes walking to be painful and running to be very difficult. Although it is more common in children it can also occur in adults.



There are several causes for this disorder. In children it can occur as a part of other congenital abnormalities of the foot and leg. Although it might not be apparent except after walking age of the child. It could also be developmental. In adults it could be also a part of other foot and ankle deformities as flat foot, Cavus feet. In addition, a lot of foot and ankle problems might be associated with Gastrocnemius shortening and/or achilles shortening, such as plantar fasciitis for example.


Signs and symptoms:

Patients usually present with pain in the calf. Inability to walk properly. In children particularly the condition might be obvious to the parents and the child walks on his/her tip toes. In adults, walking and sports are markedly restricted.


This might be mainly a clinical diagnosis. Your doctor will perform certain clinical tests and confirm the presence of Achilles shortening if not apparent. Radiographs and MRI might be used especially if there are other causative pathologies.


This problem usually responds rather well to physical exercises and physiotherapy. Achilles tendon lengthening exercises are very common and helpful in that respect.

If the problem does not respond to physiotherapy, then lengthening of the tendoachilles or gastrocnemius complex might be required.