Heel Pain


Heel pain is a very common condition in which weight bearing on the heel causes extreme discomfort.


There are two different categories of heel pain. The first is caused by over-use and repetitive stress which refers to pain resulting from too much impact on a specific area of the foot. This condition, often referred to as โ€œheel pain syndrome,โ€ can be caused by shoes with heels that are too low, a thinned-out fat pad in the heel area, or from a sudden increase in activity. The second is Plantar fasciitis, a very common diagnosis of heel pain, is usually caused from a biomechancial problem, such as over-pronation (flat feet). The plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue that runs along the bottom surface of the foot, from the heel through the midfoot and into the forefoot. Over-pronation can cause the plantar fascia to be excessively stretched and inflamed, resulting in pain in the heel and arch areas of the foot. Often the pain will be most intense first thing in the morning or after a prolonged period of rest. The pain can gradually subside as the day progresses.


Conservative treatment of mallet toes begins with accommodating the deformity. Shoes with a high and broad toe box (toe area) are recommended for people suffering from forefoot deformities such as mallet toes. This prevents further irritation in the toe area from developing. Other conservative treatment includes forefoot supports such as gel toe caps, gel toe shields and toe crests. Gel forefoot supports provide immediate comfort and relief from common forefoot disorders without drying the skin. Debridement of the corns that may occur due to the deformity, can help temporarily.

If the problem persists, consult your foot doctor.

If the problem persists, consult your foot doctor.

Heel Pain / Plantar Fascitis

Heel Pain and injection

Heel Pain / Plantar Fascitis

Heel Pain / Plantar Fascitis

Heel Pain and injection

Heel Pain / Plantar Fascitis