Professional football player for whom Arthroscopic Posterior Ankle Os Trigonium and Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Release, In ADDITION to Anterior Ankle Osteophyte Removal was SIMULTANEOUSLY performed. Patient returned to full training only five weeks following the procedure.
Very proud and honored to be accepted as a full active member in the Ankle and Foot Association (AFAS) section of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee surgery & Arthroscopy (ESSKA) … and I am being told I am the first non- European and first from Egypt and the Middle East !! Still I am very humbled and honored and believe it is a statement of recognition to all of us! Wishing all my Foot and Ankle collegues the very best
Dr. Nasef Mohamed recently gave two lectures in the Egyptian Arthroscopy Association (EGAA) meeting that was held in Ismailia, Egypt. It was a very fruitful meeting and he was glad to meet a lot of old friends, colleagues and many of his former students.
ESSKA ACCREDITED TEACHER : Proud and honored! اول مصري وافريقي وعربي بقائمة جراحي العظام المصرح لهم بالتدريس والتعليم لدي منظمة مناظير المفاصل الاوروبية والتي بها علي مستوي العالم في هذة الفئة 96 جراح من 25 دولة فقط!!! الحمد لله الصفحة الرسمية للموقع:
سعيد وفخور ان أكون مشارك في الحدث الاول عالمياً الذي يقام فيه مثل هذا النوع من الاجتماعات المجمعة للمجموعات المختلفة التابعة للجمعية الأوروبية لمنظار المفاصل والإصابات الرياضية ESSKA Speciality day (Madrid 2019) وان يمنح لي رئاسة جلستان علمياتان في مجموعة القدم والكاحل
It was a great pleasure to have Dr. Mateusz Yanik; from Warsaw Poland; as a visiting Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Fellow with us here in Cairo! Hope you enjoyed it and wishing you a very bright and happy future ahead! استمراراً للتعاون بيننا وبين اطباء جراحة العظام وخاصة جراحة القدم والكاحل القادمين من اوروبا الينا؛ سعدنا بتواجد د ماتيوس من بولندا الذي حضر مخصوص من بلده لقضاء فترة زمالة قصيرة عملية معنا هنا بالقاهرة. المميز هذة المرة اننا قمنا ايضا بارساله الي جامعة
Our publication that recently got published in the JFAS We describe the use of FHL for Acute Achilles ruptures in an attempt to allow almost immediate ankle motion, provide adequate and optimum Achilles tensioning and thus reduce the risk of re-rupture, with almost no skin or nerve complications.
Dr. Nassef Mohamed recently gave two lectures at the meeting of the Egyptian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Injuries, which was held in Ismailia, our beloved Egypt. Dr. Nassef Mohamed recently gave two lectures at the meeting of the Egyptian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Injuries, which was held in Ismailia, our dear Egypt.
Dr. Nasef just participated in the “Intensive Shoulder Course from A to Z”. He participated by giving two lectures and was very pleased to be able to help young and aspiring colleagues in their quest to becoming better surgeons.
The publication of my last two scientific papers in the field of orthopedic surgery of the foot and ankle Praise be to God, I am happy and proud of the release of my last two scientific papers in the field of foot and ankle orthopedics